Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Considerations in Distance Education for the Medical Assistant Instructor

Medical Assistant distance education is emerging to meet the demands of a new generation of students in the twenty first century. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education program for medical assistant presents a good model for this integration of technology with medical assistant education. Distance education, particularly in its most recent form, online education, is being integrated into even the most cautious and conservative of educational institutions. Yet the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning on students, faculty, and institutions has yet to be broadly or deeply studied. New models such as that at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School are immerging. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is available at:
Distance education is not new, and can be traced as far back as the first century. The Apostle Paul wrote to the early Christian churches, instructing them from a distance (even when he was under 'house arrest' in Rome). This was probably the first type of 'correspondence course', which was the only method of learning at a distance until the advent of the telephone. Today, distance education and in particular online medical assistant instruction calls upon an impressive range of technologies to enable medical assistant instructor and the medical assistant student who are separated by distance to communicate with each other either in real time (synchronous) or delayed time (asynchronous). Currently and asynchronous model used at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School to instruct medical assistant students. This has proven to be a very effective model however the medical assistant program is currently investigating the benefits of synchronous online medical assistant instruction and the benefits it may have for the medical assistant student.
Medical Assistant distance learning epitomizes the move away from institute based learning to a more direct, student centered approach. As a concept, distance learning has existed for over a century, notably in the form of paper based correspondence courses including the less formal correspondence education for medical assistants. Now however, distance education is depending increasingly upon technology for its success and technological innovations ensure that distance learning for the medical assistant continues to evolve and grow as a valid and potent force in all forms of education for the medical assistant.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery With Modern Medical Technology

One of the most talked about forms of surgery in the medical industry today is the result of a desire to feel comfortable in one's own skin, the desire to be attractive, and the desire to feel at peace with one's image. Though there are other factors at play here, many choose to undergo procedures meant to enhance their appearance to feel more comfortable with themselves. It is this desire that has etched a unique place in the medical industry.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is a booming business in the medical world, with numerous doctors, surgeons, and medical personnel focused on helping their patients to attain their desired look. There are of course benefits as well as risks that must be considered prior to allowing cosmetic plastic surgery into your life, or under your skin. With this in mind, there are a number of reasons why people look for ways to improve, alter, or change their appearance. It is important to get clear on the motives behind any surgical operation and be 100% clear on the risks and benefits associated with it. Understanding what the procedure will do for you and how it will benefit your health is a great way to make sure that the procedure is mandatory for your peace and wellbeing. All too often procedures are undergone without a solid understanding of the purpose or the risks. Since there is no 100% guarantee as to how the body will handle or respond to any given surgical procedure, it is always important to understand how the procedure might potentially change not only your appearance but your life.

The benefits associated with cosmetic plastic surgery are primarily psychological ones. For many, the alterations that are made possible by advancements in medical technology and the experience of surgeons make creating a more pleasing appearance easier and more minimally invasive in some ways. Depending on the procedure at hand, patients are offered ways minimize their recovery time as well as pain and swelling, blood loss, and a number of adverse side effects. For many, altering their appearance, especially where there is some deformity or lack of function in a body part can contribute to a happier and more comfortable body image. This benefit is often all patients need to undergo a cosmetic procedure, and the psychological effects of feeling insecure and self-conscious day in and day out are not the key to a happy life. Rather, where there are options to alter the appearance of the body, and when that appearance brings great emotional suffering, a patient may opt to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery.

With all surgeries there are risks, as mentioned, and it is vital that patients make responsible and informed decisions about their health and their wellbeing. There are a number of helpful and quality surgeons out there and the key is finding them. As with any prevalent business, there are a number of so-called medical professionals who are not credible and who do not perform par excellence. With this in mind, patients must be suspicious and research and ask questions throughout the process. This is the best way to ensure that cosmetic plastic surgery will go well.

MRI Scan Treatments 101 - Medical Technology Revealed

When something goes wrong on the inside of your body, finding out what the problem is can prove difficult. There are two different scans that you can have done to find the problem, depending on what type of problem you are having. An MRI will check tissues, muscles, bones, and your entire body, while a CT scan is virtually a three dimensional x ray.

An MRI scan can be suggested by your doctor for a variety of reasons. The procedure works by using magnetic charges to excite the protons in your body. When they respond, they create an image of your body as it is attracted to the magnets. This allows doctors to see all of your inner organs and tissues, so that they can more easily detect and diagnose any medical conditions or problems.

MRI scan costs are expensive. If your insurance will not cover the cost of an MRI, you can expect to spend anywhere between $600 and $3500 on the procedure. This will depend on many factors, including how much of your body is scanned, where you have the scan done, and which machine does the procedure.

For many people, MRI scan machines can induce panic and a feeling of claustrophobia. Sometimes it is so severe that people avoid getting the tests they need, which is why the medical industry now has a wide open MRI machine. This process is more comfortable for many, but also much more expensive because the machine is more expensive than a traditional MRI machine.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What is Medical Technology?

Medical technology, also known as clinical laboratory science, is a scientific health care discipline that deals with pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical testing of patients specimens. The pre-analytical phase includes selecting the appropriate specimen and tests with the physician. The analytic phase is the actual testing procedure. The post-analytical phase involves reporting and interpretation of laboratory data. Approximately 70 percent of the medical decisions are based upon the data obtained from laboratory testing performed by medical technologist/clinical laboratory scientists.

These professionals are involved in the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prevention of disease. They are required to perform testing in many disciplines, including microbiology, chemistry, immunology, hematology, immunohematology and molecular biology with sophisticated biomedical instrumentation and cutting edge technology. In addition to scientific testing of patient specimens, these professionals must be able to evaluate and interpret laboratory results, communicate effectively with other health care professionals and the patient, analyze and improve laboratory services, effectively utilize laboratory resources, and perform workforce education.

What are medical technologist\clinical laboratory scientists?

Medical technologists\clinical laboratory scientists, are vital health care detectives who uncover and provide laboratory information from laboratory analyses that assist physicians in patient diagnosis and treatment, as well as in disease monitoring or prevention (maintenance of health). We use sophisticated biomedical instrumentation and technology, computers, and methods requiring manual dexterity to perform laboratory testing on blood and body fluids. Laboratory testing encompasses such disciplines as clinical chemistry, hematology, immunology, immunohematology, microbiology, and molecular biology. Medical technology\clinical laboratory science professionals generate accurate laboratory data that are needed to aid in detecting cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, infectious mononucleosis, and identification of bacteria or viruses that cause infections, as well as in detecting drugs of abuse. In addition, we monitor testing quality and consult with other members of the healthcare team.

The clinical laboratory science profession has more than one career track based on level of education: clinical laboratory technician (two years) and clinical laboratory scientist (four to five years). Clinical laboratory technicians are competent in the collection, processing and analysis of biological specimens, the performance of lab procedures, the maintenance of instruments, and relating lab findings to common diseases/conditions. Clinical laboratory scientists have a more extensive theoretical knowledge base. Therefore they not only perform laboratory procedures including very sophisticated analyses, but also evaluate/interpret the results, integrate data, problem solve, consult, conduct research and develop new test methods.

(ASCLS source:

Job Outlook/Salaries

  • U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 13,000 new medical technologists and medical technicians are needed annually. Presently fewer than 5,000 are graduating annually at present.
  • American Society of Clinical Pathology Board of Registry 2003 survey indicated 72 percent of the present laboratory workforce is 40 years of age or older, with the majority close to retirement. According to this data, as retirements occur, the shortage will increase.
  • The survey also found that nearly 100 percent of the graduates who should employment during the last two years found employment in a laboratory.
  • 10 billion laboratory tests were performed in the United States in 2001; that number is expected to triple by 2010.
  • Salary range reported on the survey:
    • Medical technologist (staff position)..............$33,280-$45,760
    • Medical technologist (supervisor)..................$41,600-$53,581
    • Medical technologist (manager).....................$50,690-$62,400